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Golf Swing Secret...get it today!
The Basis of Golf
By Chuck Evans
The basis of golf begins with an understanding of what exactly must happen in a good golf stroke. I call this, "The Basis Of Golf."
Good golf MUST comply with the laws of force and motion. We obey these laws everyday of our lives without even knowing it. When you get up out of bed, jump into your car, open a door eveything we do is in full compliance with these laws.
1. Three parts of a Golf Club
1. Clubshaft
2. Clubface
3. Clubhead
2. Three Major Concepts of the Golf Stroke
1. Inclined Plane - Clubshaft
2. Hinge Action - Clubface
3. Centrifugal Force - Clubhead
3. Three Essentials For a Good Golf Stroke
1. Steady Head
2. Balance
3. Rhythm
4. Three Imperatives For a Good Golf Stroke
1. Flat Left Wrist at Impact
2. On Plane Club Shaft
3. Club Head Lag
5. The Principle of the Golf Game -
Line of Compression:
Hitting the ball from the inside of the target Line toward the outside of target with a Flat Left Wrist
6. Three Dimensions of the Golf Stoke - (on an Inclined Plane)
1. Downward
2. Outward
3. Forward
Once you have recognized and incorporated the above into your golf stroke you WILL start hitting the ball farther and straighter.
Chuck Evans is one of only 31 Teachers in the world to hold the designation of "Doctorate in Golf Stroke Engineering", he is one of the most highly sought after instructors in the world not only by players but other teachers as well and is known as the Teacher of Teachers!
You can reach Chuck through his Golf Academy in Mesa Arizona by calling 480.862.6544, by email at []
Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.
...PGA professional golf
You learn to play golf by feel, not mechanics alone. Too much detail is confusing. You cannot think your way through a golf swing. You feel your way!
...PGA professional golf
Mon, 05 Mar 2007 00:00:00 GMT
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