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Saturday, March 08, 2008

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Golf Article Of The Month

Discover How Golfers Use This Simple Golf Swing eBook And Audio Course As Their Secret Training Tool In Their Quest For Lower Scores.

Which Golf Clubs Are For You?

By: Lee MacRae

With so many different makes and types of golf clubs on the market, it is no wonder beginners, let alone the more experienced golfer, can become easily confused when it comes to buying clubs.

Read along as we discuss the types available and what they each can do for your game of golf.

How tall are you? Standard clubs are made for anyone between 5 to 6 feet tall and should work out fine. That principle applies to both men and women. If you are taller or shorter than those measurements, then you may have to consider looking for custom made clubs.

Cast Iron or Forged Iron?

For just about all golfers, the standard cast iron golf clubs are the right choice.

Why, you ask? Because of the bigger "sweet spot" we tend to find on clubs made with cast iron. That refers to the area right in the middle of the club face. The bigger the sweet spot, the better chance of hitting well it every time. It makes it a little easier to hit the "bulls eye" every time on your shots. You can see why beginners are usually told to stay with cast iron clubs Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. This is the major reason why you see larger or even "oversized" clubs made, especially the oversized drivers today. These clubs allow for a larger sweet spot and make the game a lot easier for the average player

Forged iron clubs are generally the opposite. Harder to hit with because of a smaller sweet spot on the club face.

So why would people buy a forged iron golf club?

Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The better players, on the other hand, will give up that larger sweet spot [and even some distance] to get that better feel of each and every shot they take. With a more consistant swing, they usually strike the ball dead center on most shots anyway. With the better feel of the forged iron club, they can draw, fade, hook or slice the ball deliberately when circumstances on the golf course require it.

The next item to consider is the material for the shaft. Will it be composite or steel?

The important thing to look at here is your club head velocity. Any typical Sunday golfer will generate a club speed of 80 to 94 mph. With speeds registering lower than that, you ought to think of using a composite style of shaft on your clubs . Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.

For golfers with faster swing speeds, you don't necessarily need more distance. What you really want is more control. A steel tube shaft will give you that control to go along with your acceptable distance.

Visit your local golf pro shop or look for a store that offers custom work and they will help you to determine your own club head speed and which type of shaft you should use. Or you can buy one of the many swing speed radar devices on the market and clock your speed yourself.

With just a few small tips like this, you should be able to determine which clubs will work for you and why. Knowing why is just a important because you will be able to adjust your equipment as you improve on your game over time. If you find your swing speed improving, you may find you will be able to switch to clubs that will give you the feel and shot selection of the better players.

These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!

Improve your golf game with a great golf training aid today!

Quick Golf Ideas

Golf Training Aids

How does a player cultivate the proper length of backswing? We are all individuals and our muscle coordination is not the same,therefore it would be foolish to try to force the club to a parallel position at the top of the backswing. Trying to take the clubhead to parallel will not only shorten your distance it will wreck your accuracy as well. So returning to the earlier premise:The club should not go back any further than you can turn your shoulders.
For more information go to golf trainings aids

Hybrid Golf Clubs

To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
To find out more just go to golf trainings aids

Beginners Golf Training Aids

We do play our serious golf during the serious-golf-season from spring to early fall, and during late fall and winter we should relax and play for the fun of it - particularly since we only get to play once every so often. Once the warm days of spring come back we get serious again�

Golf Drivers

Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
For more information go to golf trainings aids

Headline News About Golf

Challenge Annika

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:22:44 GMT
Annika Sorenstam's first win since 2006 could spark a stellar year for women's golf

Learn all about Golf Putter

Golf Article Of The Month

Discover How Golfers Use This Simple Golf Swing eBook And Audio Course As Their Secret Training Tool In Their Quest For Lower Scores.

Sand Trap Tips And Tecniques

By Lee MacRae

Getting out of a bunker or sand trap in one shot can do wonders for your confidence and your golf game. Follow along as we lay out some tips, tricks and hints to help you with your sand play and watch the improvement in your next round of golf.

Trying to a hit tee from under your ball is a good drill for getting your drives in the air. It's also a good drill for sand play. Here's how it's done: Tee up your ball in a bunker, and tee it up high. It is the tee from under the ball. Now tee it so that the tee is just barely showing. Hit it out again. Now position the ball so that no part of the tee is visible, the bottom of the ball is flush with the sand. Practice until you can consistently hit the tee out of the sand, then play the same shot while pretending that the tee is still under the sand. The lesson here is that the golfer hits the sand and the sand lifts the ball out of the bunker. So at no point did you think of hitting the ball itself.

A good way to gauge distance on a sand shot is to think of hitting the ball twice as far. Let's say you have a sand shot of 25 feet. Hit it with the same power that you would use for a fairway shot of 50 feet. A word of warning; this system works well on medium to long sand shots. On the short touch shots you're better off practicing to get a feel for finesse. After all, you may well have a 6 foot long sand shot, but how many 12 foot long fairway shots do you ever have?

Visual imagery is commom in bunker play. Some instructors tell students to imagine that the face of the club is the palm of their hands, which they "slap" under the ball in the hitting zone. We prefer to think of money. A dollar bill is slightly more than six inches long. That means that if the bill is laid under a golf ball, about two inches of the ball would protrude back from the bill. As the ideal "explosion shot" demands that you hit into the sand roughly two inches behind the ball, you should pretend that you're hitting the dollar ball out of the bunker. This is an especially useful image because in order to hit the ball right out of the bunker, you'll need to complete your follow-through, and that's another important element of just about every sand shot.

And no matter what you do, even for sand play, always imagine the shot before you take it. And imagine the shot being succesfull! Not much sense in defeating yourself before you even start. Imagine yourself being successful throughout your golf game and watch your game flourish.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great weighted golf club or a great putter today!

Additional Info On Golf Today


I can�t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, �If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!� My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play better golf.
To learn more go to golf trainings aids

Golf Putting Aids

To start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice
To find out more just go to golf

Golf Training Aids

Many swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
To find out more just go to golf

Golf Putting Aids

Short practice sessions regularly are better than one long period. Practice, and good repetition, will teach your muscles to learn to feel - creating your own internal dialog from within that you, and only you, can describe to yourself.
For more information go to golf

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Titleist Introduces Four New Putter Families to Scotty Cameron Franchise.

Thu, 21 Apr 2005 00:00:00 GMT

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