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Friday, June 06, 2008

Golf Related News

Our Featured Golf Article

This is the secret you've been searching for. The Golf Swing Secret...get it today!

The Perfect Address - And It Ain't Madison Avenue!

Setting Up For Your Golf Swing

By: Bobby Lopez, PGA

The right arm will be bent slightly, but not to such a degree that it severely pulls down the right shoulder. A right shoulder too low during address will encourage a vertical rather than horizontal rotating motion.

The player will also tend to lay back instead of following through properly. Then the player will be forced to use the hands to compensate for the incomplete body rotation. The result: inconsistency.

It is natural for the right shoulder to be slightly lower than the left, because of the right hand position on the grip, but be careful to avoid extremes. The shoulders should feel relaxed as you are setting up.

With a good arm position you will notice that the elbows point approximately at the hip joints. The arms should be just far enough from the body to allow natural extension. The position is a matter of personal preference but you should have room for your arms to hang down naturally from your shoulders. Choose your own balance point but be aware of the danger of extremes.

What happens if your hands are in too close? If the hands are too close to the body at address, the club will have to swing on too vertical a swing plane. This will cause you to take too deep of a divot, and usually causes a weak slice. Vice versa, if the hands are too far away, this promotes a very inside take-away and you will lose the proper angle of attack for the ball. Once the angle is lost, your body will create a �compensation� to get proper ball contact. This will cause various ball flights and great inconsistency.

Open Shoulders (shoulders aimed to the left)
Typical Cause: Positioning the hands too forward in the stance.
Remedy: Place a golf club on the ground in the direction of your intended ball flight and square your shoulders to the golf club.
Typical Ball Flight: Pull if the club face is square to the path, pull slice if the club face is open.
Closed Feet, (feet aimed to the right)
Typical Cause: Lifting of the back to look at the target area.
Remedy: Only swivel the head to look at the target.
Weight Too Much On Heels
Typical Cause: Bending as if you�re sitting on a bar stool.
Remedy: Bend from the hips and maintain weight on the balls of your feet in an athletic pos

Get a FREE online golf lesson from the Golf Swami at: Bobby Lopez, PGA Bobby Lopez and the G-TEAM (757) 382-5500 bobbylopez@bobbylopezgolf.com www.bobbylopezgolf.com golftipsbobbylopez.blogspot.com/

Tips About Weighted Golf training Clubs

Don't worry that once you set the driver down it doesn't align with the ball. The ball isn't on the ground - it's three inches above the ground!
...PGA Tour

Golf Clubs - Fairway Woods

Course conditions can influence the specifications of a golfer's equipment. This isn't a secret. We often hear of Tour players choosing wedges with more or less bounce, from week to week, to meet changing conditions in bunkers, for example.
Carry your golf clubs with distinction with a new Callaway golf stand bag!

Thanks to the popularity of golf, there are many golf gadgets available today. As more people want to play the game, more ways are sought to improve their game. The once steady golf industry has now expanded to a much larger industry. Some companies are built around only one piece of golf equipment. Golf gadgets available range from some incredibly useful golf aids to some slightly more ridiculous items. Here are some of the options.
Lower your score with a good golf putting aid today!

Headline News About Golf


Tue, 31 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Loren Roberts Trusts Titleist for Second Straight Win on Champions Tour


The Golfing World

The Latest Golf Article

Discover How Golfers Use This Simple Golf Swing eBook And Audio Course As Their Secret Training Tool In Their Quest For Lower Scores.

Cure that golf hook

By: Mister Putt

By far and away the most common fault of the weekend golfer is the dreaded slice. We have all seen it, a hundred yards down the fairway and suddenly the ball turns right and disappears into the undergrowth.There are a thousand books and articles on it, why it happens and how you can cure it.

But what if you have the opposite problem, a hundred yards straight down the fairway and oh..oh exit stage left.This is the classic hook.How do you cure that? I hear you cry.Never fear Mister Putt is here.Like most faults the quickest wayto cure it is to go back to basics.Let me clear up one myth straight away,listen up..Practice Makes Perfect , no, no, no practice makes permanent (Thank you Dave Pelz )If your practice is faulty your golf will be faulty.

The Basics

Grip;Hold the club in your left hand down by your side, arm hanging down relaxed.Lift the club head up so the shaft is parallel to the ground and then lower it to the floor again, do this three times, feeling where the tension is in your arm.
Concentrate on leaving this tension behind.Now bring the club in front of you and at the same time bring your right hand to the club.Now the hard bit , as you close your right hand around the club try not to manipulate it in any way, by which I mean the club should not turn left or right at all.Now you should have a neutral grip, neither hand being dominant.Hookers have a tendency to turn their right hand over the top .The "V"sbetween your thumbs and index fingers should be pointing up to your right ear.You can check this in a mirror.Now with your neutral grip and relaxed arms just swing the club head backwards and forwards in a small arc.This will ease tension.Golf is a moving game and tension is the enemy of motion.Keep swinging in increasingly larger arcs always being aware of any creeping stiffness( tension) in the arms.Do this every day for ten minutes or so.Remember the object is to swing rhythmically are not attempting a 300 yard drive!

Address;You should stand with your feet just under the width of your shoulders ,a slightly narrower stance helps with balance,and helps you swing more rhythmically. Your toes should be level and in line with your shoulders ,again check in a mirror at home and get used to the feeling.You line up to the target line or fractionally left of it.Ball position is level with your left heel.Further back will encourage a hooking shot.This brings us to the last point, weight transfer.

Weight Transfer;Weight transfer refers naturally enough to the transfer or shift of your weight from the right side to the left.(opposite sides for lefties).The backswing requires you to pull your weight onto the back foot and indeed you should feel this in your right thigh and as you swing through the ball that weight must move onto the left leg, if it stays back on the rear leg you will turn the club over and rotate to the left causing the ball to hook.A practice drill I use is to
address an imaginary ball while my left calf is against a low pillar in my garden, as I swing I concentrate on pushing my leg into that pillar.This also forces me to swing in time and finish in a balanced position.Try it.

I hope these tips can help you cure that hook and give you something to do in the bedroom on a rainy day.

Happy thoughts

Mr Putt is a weekend hacker and gives regular private tuition www.golfamateur.co.uk/golf

Hints About Beginners Golf training Aids

High-Moi Putter
Blades milled from carbon steel look and feel nice, but they're not forgiving. Get a putter that's easy to use.
...Golf Tips magazine

Nike Sasquatch Fairway Woods

If you plan to choose used golfclubs as beginner's tools, scrutinizing before purchasing is a must. The clubheads, the shafts, and the grips are golfclub parts that should pass inspection first before landing a decent spot in your golf equipment cabinet. Another excellent golf tip that will get you through the game is making sure that the set of used golfclubs you're eyeing have set consistency. It will also help a lot if you check first the price of new clubs vs. used.
Improve your golf game with a new golf driver head today!

Prime Movers
Notice how my upper left arm and chest are connected. It's this connection that initiates the backswing and encourages the club to be moved by the pivot of the body and not the hands and arms moving independently. In addition to the left arm and chest, movement of the shoulders and back should also contribute to the finish of a powerfully coiled backswing. Don't ever begin your backswing by lifting your arms or rolling your wrists by themselves.
...Golf Tips magazine

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New Season of Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist Premieres on The Golf Channel

Mon, 11 Jul 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Second season begins July 11th with the first of 10 new episodes for 2005
