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Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.
Today's equipment and balls are not tailored necessarily for 7 - 8 degree drivers. That is a thing of the past. Getting the ball up in the air on a good trajectory is the first step to driving the ball longer. Many touring pros regurlaly use 9 and 10 degree drivers and drive the ball 300 plus yards. Plus, you will get much more consistency with a more lofted driver.
Jack Nicklaus has often said that one his swing keys is to keep his clubhead traveling along the target line [an imaginary straight line between ball and target] as long as possible. It's a good thought, and because it helps you extend through the ball on the follow-through instead of "quitting" at impact, that is, not completing the follow-through. To keep the clubhead down the target line, imagine the target line extending toward your target and then focus on keeping the clubhead traveling along that line.
One way to hit the ball higher when driving [an especially useful strategy when the wind is behind you] is to make sure you hit the lower half of the ball. You can do this by teeing the ball at the normal height [half the ball lies above the top of the face club] then concentrating on hitting the ball out of the ground. You won't miss the ball, because there is just not enough room for the driver to pass through underneath it. And you shouldn't hit the ground either, because the only way you can knock the tee out of the ground is to hit the top of it.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great weighted golf club or a great golf driver today!
Let's Talk About Golf
Golf Accessories
To have a good angle the left leg passes the ball first, hands second, and clubhead last. This motion automatically moves the clubhead in the descending angle of approach. Having the clubhead passing the hands prior to impact creates an ascending angle of approach. Most of the time with this action the clubhead will hit the ground behind the ball (Chili dipping) or the swing bottoms out early and the ball is struck on the upswing, topping it.
To learn more go to golf trainings aids
Golf Club Reviews
The off-season is also a good time to renew your equipment, in particular your clubs. If you start practicing with your new clubs during winter you have more time to get used to them, rather than having to struggle in spring when the 'serious' golf season starts again. Another reason to stock up during winter is that prices are usually at their lowest, with many merchants offering off-season and (post-)holiday specials.
Golf Drivers
Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
For more information go to golf trainings aids
I can�t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, �If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!� My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play better golf.
To learn more go to golf trainings aids
Headline News About Golf
Titleist Golf Ball Operations To Be Featured on National Geographic Channel
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Irwin, Han Win with Titleist on Champions, LPGA Tours
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Three more wins this week advances Titleist's worldwide golf ball victory count to 134, over 100 more than the nearest competitor with 29.
golf putter

Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
Some Geat Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.
Today's equipment and balls are not tailored necessarily for 7 - 8 degree drivers. That is a thing of the past. Getting the ball up in the air on a good trajectory is the first step to driving the ball longer. Many touring pros regurlaly use 9 and 10 degree drivers and drive the ball 300 plus yards. Plus, you will get much more consistency with a more lofted driver.
Jack Nicklaus has often said that one his swing keys is to keep his clubhead traveling along the target line [an imaginary straight line between ball and target] as long as possible. It's a good thought, and because it helps you extend through the ball on the follow-through instead of "quitting" at impact, that is, not completing the follow-through. To keep the clubhead down the target line, imagine the target line extending toward your target and then focus on keeping the clubhead traveling along that line.
One way to hit the ball higher when driving [an especially useful strategy when the wind is behind you] is to make sure you hit the lower half of the ball. You can do this by teeing the ball at the normal height [half the ball lies above the top of the face club] then concentrating on hitting the ball out of the ground. You won't miss the ball, because there is just not enough room for the driver to pass through underneath it. And you shouldn't hit the ground either, because the only way you can knock the tee out of the ground is to hit the top of it.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great weighted golf club or a great golf driver today!
Let's Talk About Golf
Golf Accessories
To have a good angle the left leg passes the ball first, hands second, and clubhead last. This motion automatically moves the clubhead in the descending angle of approach. Having the clubhead passing the hands prior to impact creates an ascending angle of approach. Most of the time with this action the clubhead will hit the ground behind the ball (Chili dipping) or the swing bottoms out early and the ball is struck on the upswing, topping it.
To learn more go to golf trainings aids
Golf Club Reviews
The off-season is also a good time to renew your equipment, in particular your clubs. If you start practicing with your new clubs during winter you have more time to get used to them, rather than having to struggle in spring when the 'serious' golf season starts again. Another reason to stock up during winter is that prices are usually at their lowest, with many merchants offering off-season and (post-)holiday specials.
Golf Drivers
Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
For more information go to golf trainings aids
I can�t tell you how many people come to my lesson tee and say, �If I could just get rid of my baseball swing, then all my problems would be solved!� My initial thought is always: I wish you had a baseball swing, because it would help you play better golf.
To learn more go to golf trainings aids
Headline News About Golf
Titleist Golf Ball Operations To Be Featured on National Geographic Channel
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Irwin, Han Win with Titleist on Champions, LPGA Tours
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Three more wins this week advances Titleist's worldwide golf ball victory count to 134, over 100 more than the nearest competitor with 29.
golf putter