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Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Golfing World

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How To Lower Your Golf Handicap Quickly

By: Mary Chillders

Learning how to lower your golf scores can be quite a challenging task. For most high handicap players the short game presents the best opportunity to shoot lower scores. Mastering the wedge game and putting may be the fastest way to play better golf.

However there is no magic solution to playing better golf since it will still require consistent practice. You do not need to spend hours and hours practicing each day. One hour of practice done four to five times a week can often be enough to see good improvements. Be sure to spend a lot of time on short shots inside of 120 yards.

These shots can make a huge difference in reducing your scores. Also remember that the longer shots are simply an extension of the shorter shots so if you are struggling with your wedge then you will almost certainly also struggle with the longer clubs. This is another big reason you need to hit more short game shots as this will also make you a better ball striker with the longer clubs.

Many of the top players in the world first learned how to putt, chip and hit wedge shots before they learned the driver and long irons. Also being confident in the short game also will take pressure off your long game since you will not be too concerned even if you miss occasionally since you have a great short game that can help you to get up and down most of the time.

Putting is a very important aspect of the game of golf. Hit a lot of short putts as they are very important in reducing your scores. Also when you do hit many short putts you will inevitably make a lot of them and this will help to build confidence. Never lose your confidence when you are on the green or anywhere else on the golf course otherwise this will adversely affect every area of your golf game.

You must learn to focus on all the great shots and putts you have ever hit instead of all the misses. Thinking of yourself as a great golfer is critical especially if you are looking to become a tournament professional because success at that level is all about how you think and your ability to build and maintain confidence.

It is important to learn how to think when you are about to strike the golf ball. Just before hitting a golf shot your mind must be focused on a target. You need to block out all other external thoughts and stay sharply concentrated on the target. Before you hit any shot pick a small target and then hit your shots with the target in mind.

You must trust your swing and putting stroke when you are on the course. Train your swing and putting stroke off the course but then you need to believe in your game on the course. Also when you are on the golf course, always play within yourself and hit the shot you know you can pull off easily. Do not try shots you have never been able to hit consistently during practice sessions.

Sometimes backing off on a hole and laying up can be the best thing to do in order to shoot lower scores so do not get caught up in trying to hit heroic shots. The professionals on television can hit those flashy shots because they have practiced them and they know they can pull them off but the same does not apply to most amateurs. Keep practicing and learning from your experience and in time you will lower your golf handicap.

Mary is an online researcher and avid golfer. Visit her site to get more useful golf tips http://www.golfswingtips4u.com/

Tips About Golf Swing Aids

Build An Athletic Platform
Developing a powerful and consistent golf swing always starts with the address position. Tension should be avoided at all costs. Instead, the setup should have a light and bouncy feel that gets you ready to move freely in an athletic way. Tension restricts the body from moving properly and requires the hands and arms to play too active a role in the swing. Rehearse your setup carefully, and your swing will improve.
...Golf Tips magazine

Practice grounds
Many facilities have practice grounds, which provide an ideal environment in which to get to grips with the basics. If there is a professional in residence, arranging some lessons will ensure that the new player begins developing good habits right from the off. This is a much better option than finding further up the learning curve that some of the less beneficial aspects of your technique are difficult to straighten out. Remember that some golfers find such bad habits can last a lifetime.
...mastering golf UK

Come to the Golf Course with Strategy in the Bag
Every good golfer knows that golf is not all about mechanics. There is a strategy to playing the game, and the golfer who develops the best strategy has a much better chance of coming out on top. There are ways to prepare yourself before you get to the course�and ways to react to conditions within a round�that will save you trouble and give you an advantage most golfers fail to seize.
...by T.J. Tomasi, Ph.D.
Hitting behind the ball or too high on the ball.
This is often caused by swaying during the swing. Any side-to-side or up and down head movement should be avoided. To get the right feel, hit some practice shots with feet together. During your weight shift, concentrate on keeping the weight On your right foot on the inside of your foot. Check your progress by taking practice swings with sun behind you and watching your shadow. Don't let the clubface get ahead of your hands at impact. To avoid hitting chips and pitches fat: Don't sole the club at address. Use an open, narrow stance. Keep arms connected to chest and rotate body rather than sliding hips laterally and jabbing at the ball with your hands. Focus eyes on front of ball, with weight on front foot and wrists ahead of ball at address and through impact. Be sure to make a complete follow-through.
...Tom's golf tips

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