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Thursday, December 18, 2008

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A Good Golf Course Is Half Your Fun

By: Ken Morris

What makes a good golf course? Many people think a golf course consists of nothing more than a large green lawn or field. While it may have this appearance from a distance, a good golf course is much more that. The way the land is laid out is very important to someone looking to buy land to make a golf course. If they choose a large flat piece of land, they'll have a lot of work and expense ahead of them if they want a golf course that golfers will want to keep coming back to.

Although hills may be something that golfers dread during the course of a game, they are also important for the course to help make the game more challenging. A couple of hills will work perfectly. If there were only one hill, some of the more experienced golfers would have it mastered in no time. Trees, those aggravating trees, also make for a good golf game. It takes a really good golfer to be able to shoot around the trees! There should be a nice area for the fairway, an appropriate area for the rough and some sand traps. Some golfers hate sand traps and claim they could do without them, but they add to the game.

The holes on the course need to be all over the place and not in a straight row. If each hole were the same direction and distance, the golfers would get bored very quickly. Even though many golfers complain about certain courses being very difficult to master, these are the very golf courses they want to keep returning to to better their game. These are the types of challenges that make the golfing fun. If playing golf isn't challenging, where's the fun?

The type of grass that is used is important, too. Bent grass greens work the best because the balls are as likely to roll off the greens as with other types of grass. Good maintenance of a golf course is very important in keeping it course golfers will enjoy. Keeping rocks and stones off the course not only helps the appearance but also will make it better for playing. Many golf courses have groundskeepers just for maintaining the course. Speaking of maintenance, the trails for the golf carts need to be kept in good condition as well. When the golfers are riding the carts, they should get as smooth a ride as possible.

Most important is the customer service the golf course owner and crew show to the customers. This is the major thing that will keep the golfers happy and eager to return.

Ken Morris writes for the most part for www.alicante-spain.com , an internet site about playing golf . His abstracts on golf in benidorm are published on his website

Hints About Golf training Aid

Stress-Reducing Aid
Q-Link and Trion:Z are worthy.
...Golf Tips magazine

The off-season is also a good time to renew your equipment, in particular your clubs. If you start practicing with your new clubs during winter you have more time to get used to them, rather than having to struggle in spring when the 'serious' golf season starts again. Another reason to stock up during winter is that prices are usually at their lowest, with many merchants offering off-season and (post-)holiday specials.
...PGA Tour

When you want to get some extra distance out of your drives, it�s natural to think that your right or dominant hand (for right-handed golfers) should supply the power. In reality, however, maximum power is a result of a left-hand lead.
...golf news

To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
...PGA of America

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